Umbilical Cord Stem Cells Banking
At StemLife, we go the extra mile to provide clients with a comprehensive protection possible for their children. Every step of the way – from cord blood & cord lining stem cells collection to testing, processing and storage, we handle with care to ensure the quality of stem cells stored.
To make it easy and affordable for you, we offer a wide array of payment plans and options to suit different needs and preferences.
Stem Cell Storage Plan
What are you storing?
Which stem cells will be stored?
Promotion Price
Package plan includes:
- Account establishment & enrolment
- Laboratory processing
- Maternal blood testing
- Personalised cord blood & cord tissue collection kits
- Cord blood viability testing
- Cord blood contamination testing
- MSC & EpSC identification & verification testing (only available for CordMax Plus)
- Enhanced StemShield Plus, Enhanced StemAssured, Enhanced Stem21, Stem Assist and StemCourier programmes
- *NEW* StemAffirm & CordBlood Network programmes
- Storage for 21 years
Save your baby’s future NOW with stem cell banking #onechance

Cancellation fees may apply.
Fees apply to single birth (Singleton) only. For multiple births (i.e. Twin, Triplet and etc.), kindly contact our friendly representative for more information.
If you are our existing client, you are entitled to our special loyalty discount, find out more here.
Management reserves the right to review and change the price and plan from time to time without prior notice.
Cord lining and Wharton’s Jelly banking services are provided by StemLife Therapeutics Sdn Bhd.
Don’t let the ONE CHANCE to safeguard your child’s future health fly by!
Call us today or email for a free consultation.